
Making It Happen

  • 23rd December 2009
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There is something very cool working with other artists. Creative ideas and vibes just start flowing as you’re collaborating and at the same time trying to understand the overall vision. The end result needs to speak for itself. Singer, songwriter, musician and friend Cheryl B. Engelhardt asked if we could work together and do some…

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Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

  • 21st December 2009
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It’s getting quite festive as ol’ Saint Nick time is approaching. I hung out at the train station the other night and I have never really took the time to get some shots of it. It almost seemed too cliche, which can often turn me off. But I decided to take this as a challenge….

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Flash Back, Numero Uno

  • 14th December 2009
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Kris Odub doing it right on The Underling. Hey y’all! I spent some time in the ol’ Kentucky this past spring. In a sense that place is almost like New York City, it just never gets old. It is filled with climbers and high quality sand stone. It seems to be growing with new little…

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Hot Off The Press

  • 24th November 2009
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This past spring I received a phone call from Jim Shimberg. Jim is one of the nicest New England climbers I know- he is always the most psyched and most humble. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to meet him and you will instantly see what I mean. But he called me up and it went…

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Time Flies

  • 17th September 2009
  • Blog

Uh, summer? Are you there? Where did you go? I’m not quite sure where it went, and how we are already in the middle of September. Alas, here we are and summer flew by. And last weekend I was making a much past due visit to my family. I spent the weekend with everyone but…

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Growing Gills

  • 3rd September 2009
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I just finished documenting Maury McKinney swimming 42 miles in just about 26 hours here in New Hampshire. Yes, I said “swimming”! He swam across the longest part of Lake Winnipesaukee, and then turned around and swam back. Why did he do this? Not for himself, but to raise awareness and funds for the White…

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Hot Ice

  • 24th August 2009
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Just had a friend bring to my attention that one of my shots is up on the new Patagonia site! You can see some of the high quality hielo we get here in New England! Not to mention with only a 10 minute walk! Damn that’s hot, but really, it’s freakin’ cold! But also check…

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Swamp Donkey Disco

  • 4th August 2009
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Katie Smith showing her sassy side at the Disco. For many years now there has been a classic climbers party up here in New Hampshire, known as The Swamp Donkey Disco. To find out what a “swamp donkey” is click HERE. It has always been hosted on Cannon Cliff up here in New Hampshire. Without…

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When It Rains…

  • 1st August 2009
  • Blog

…it pours. Yep, we’ve been having a very soggy summer here in New Hampshire. It’s been rough, but then I saw something on my way home. The fog was playing with the mountains while the reeds were looking at their own reflections. Frogs were croaking, and the half moon was slowly rising behind me. I…

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Miss February

  • 1st July 2009
  • Blog

Spent some time in Kentucky this spring and met some really fun and cool people. One of them being Rachel Goldman. On a rainy day we found some dry climbs and I shot some images of her and sent them off to The Women of Climbing Calendar people. They nicknamed her “Twilight Girl”, and soon…

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