F-Bomb Wilkinson gettin’ after it on Highway 61, 5.13a, Cathedral Ledge, NH.
Good friend and fellow climber Freddie (F-Bomb) Wilkinson has getting after it on all fronts this past year. He’s written an incredible book which I’m in the middle of reading right now- One Mountain Thousand Summits. If you haven’t checked it out already, well then get on it! Climber, or not you’ll be hooked. In addition this kid DOES NOT STOP! He trains, he writes, he climbs, he’s psyched on photos & video, he popped the question to his lover lady, does an expedition to Alaska, zooms over to Yosemite, then all over for his book tour, and now is in Nepal with Kevin Mahoney and Ben Gilmore with Nuptse on their list. He’s the energizer bunny minus the pink fur, ears, and drum….but I think he’s got the same sunglasses as that guy and could be pretty psyched to play the drums. Anyhoo, I clicked away while Freddie was working Highway 61 on Cathedral this summer and as you can guess he crossed that one off his list pretty quickly.