Brian Post hard at work.
Well, I’ve been a little mia and also a little bit on cloud nine for the past couple of months! I got married to the love of my life and then we also took a honeymoon all over Switzerland and northern Italy in September. Now, I’m catching up! Just this morning fellow friend, colleague, and UBER talented photographer Brian Post called me up to see if I wanted to join him on a plane ride around the Mountain Washington Valley here in New Hampshire. There was a spot for one more person in the back seat. I pulled a u-turn and headed to the Fryeburg Airport. It was absolutely amazing, and I want to give a HUGE thank you to Brian as I would never have been flying in the air in peak NH foliage without a call from him! Check out his site and work because not only is this guy one of the most talented people I know, but he is also super generous, fun, and is now accepting donations for the purchase of a personal plane.
Cathedral Ledge, North Conway, New Hampshire on October 13th, 2010.
Back on the ground! Brian, Jim (our awesome pilot), and moi! And the plane in the background.