It’s coming…..

  • 26th November 2007
  • Blog

Winter is slowly making it’s way here in North Conway, NH. (woooohoooo!) The more wintery, the better! That’s how we like it up here! So it’s right around now we start doing our snow and ice dances to the heavens. Sarah Garlick and I are revamping The 2008 IMCS Mount Washington Valley Ice Festival this year! We are especially psyched to make it as much as a “festival” as we can. With gear demo’s, killer slideshows, an apres party, guest guides, non-stop clinics, climbers breakfasts, and more! Check out the IMCS Ice Fest Blog to find out details when they happen! For more details click here: IMCS ICE FESTIVAL For the new Ice Fest Blog click here: ICE FEST BLOG

IMCS guide Freddie Wilkinson at Slander Crag, New Hampshire.